Woodmoor W&SD
Water Supply Planning and Change of Use
In 1990, Woodmoor Water and Sanitation District (Woodmoor) engaged BBA to assist with water supply planning. BBA has assisted Woodmoor with development of a two-part water supply plan to optimize existing local surface water and ground water supplies while developing a renewable, permanent water supply that will meet future Woodmoor water supply demands.
Water supply optimization has allowed Woodmoor to maximize efficiency of its existing well field and local surface water supplies. An “adaptive management” approach is used for Woodmoor’s well field, where operational data are gathered to support sound and efficient decision-making. As a result, Woodmoor has been able to reduce well expenditures by more than $7 million since 2007, while meeting peak water demand – even during unscheduled maintenance.
With BBA’s guidance, Woodmoor acquired water rights to the 2000-acre “JV Ranch,” and obtained 2014 water court approval for a change from irrigation to municipal use for more than 3,000 acre-feet of water rights. As Woodmoor’s non-renewable well field declines, the JV Ranch renewable senior water rights will provide a permanent and reliable water supply.