Little Valley Wholesale Nursery
Well Construction and Ground Water Injection Facilities
BBA has assisted Little Valley, located in Brighton, CO, with their water supply wells and water rights since 1995. Little Valley primarily relies on alluvial water supply wells to irrigate their nursery operation. As water rights administration became more stringent during the drought of 2002, their water rights were limited and Little Valley needed to develop additional water rights credits to augment their alluvial well pumping. BBA developed a creative solution, in which Denver Basin ground water is pumped from a nontributary Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer well and injected into an alluvial water supply well to return water to the South Platte River to augment Little Valley’s alluvial well depletions. As part of this process, BBA assisted with the implementation of the well constructions and obtained a Class V UIC (Underground Injection Control) authorization from the EPA to allow for the ground water injection.